Monday 19 May 2008

Walliams completes swim to Africa

Walliams completes swim to Africa

Little Britain star David Walliams and Olympic rower James Cracknell today completed their float to Africa in care of the UK charity Mutation Succour.
The pair off crossed the 12-mile Sound of Gibraltar in four hours, 36 transactions.
They position off from Tarifa, southern Espana, and lastly reached dry demesne at Punta de Cires in Morocco.
36-year-old Walliams was overtake with sickness during the swim just carried on, and the couple also encountered a pod of whales.
They were cheered on by Cracknell's wife, TV presenter Beverley Turner, and 'Dragons' Den' star Theo Paphitis, world Health Organization arrived in a racing yacht to lend his keep.
The travel was the final stage of Cracknell's Cross-Continent Challenge.
The 35-year-old had already rowed 22 miles across the Channel and cycled 1,395 miles through French Republic and Espana to reach today's starting tip.